Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Death of the Album?

In a recent New York Times article, The Album, a Commodity in Disfavor, the future of the album is discussed. With the vast majority of music now being downloaded in the form of single songs, music labels are beginning to sign acts to record one or two songs, not full albums.

I have trouble thinking that iTunes and digital music overall with transform the industry so much that labels will stop releasing albums. I certainly hope it doesn't. That is one area in which I do not feel so willing to accept change. I choose to be old-school; I like my albums; I like my tangible CDs, the inserts, the artwork, the hidden tracks.

It is no doubt that these technological advances have changed the industry. However, when you really think about it, you realize that the changes are to the pop sector of the industry, where the "young people" are, for whom everything is digital. One of my initial concerns was, "what about artists who build around an entire album, who tell a story?" I realize I answered my own question, they are artists - they will still release an album. They aren't pop acts, meant to push cookie-cutter music and merchandise down the throats of the country's youth - those will be the digital acts, because it is "hip," and they have to be too.

My next question is, how can an act signed for one or two songs ever make it? If one of those songs goes big, it's not like they can tour; who will go to a one- or two-song concert? I guess that may all change as well - concerts will become a display of 5-10 different pop groups.

Well, it's something to watch.



Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Roller Coaster

I just came up with this one. It isn't amazing by any means, and it certainly will not be inscribed in the annals of history be read by future generations, but I enjoyed it:

"Life is a roller coaster, designed by Circumstance...Circumstance flunked out of engineering school."

Things have made little sense lately, and I certainly feel like I have been upside down and sideways quite a bit. I will survive, and I will learn from it, but that doesn't mean I won't come out with a headache.



Monday, March 19, 2007

Wincing is One Thing I'm Not Doing

It's been awhile, I know, but I have finally come up with a new recommendation - Wincing the Night Away, by The Shins. It is more great indie rock. James Mercer is an intriguing songwriter - the music is constantly fabulous, and the lyrics are interesting, though sometimes they seem nonsensical (though that may just be my thick skull not letting the real meaning in). This album features some poppy work, like "Phantom Limb," some funky, like "Sea Legs," and almost all works of art, such as the water-drip sound that resonates like a steel drum on "Red Rabbits". A few tracks get some instrumental assistance from The Decemberists' Chris Funk. All in all, this is a really good album that I haven't been able to stop playing for awhile. I've also heard it isn't nearly as good as "Oh, Inverted World." Well, if this is mediocre, I really need to get a copy of "Oh, Inverted World"!

On a related note, I finally watched "Garden State" this weekend (this movie helped The Shins gain popularity, for those who don't know). I cannot seem to explain why, but that movie was amazing. Go watch it, if you haven't already.



Saturday, March 17, 2007


What idiot decided it was a good idea to make a smoke detector beep when you install the battery? One of my detectors was chirping last night to indicate a low battery. This particular detector had been placed on the ceiling in the hallway, so I was standing on a chair to reach it, which got me a little closer than an arm's length away. I didn't think that a big deal at the time. I pulled out the old battery and set to put the new one in. As soon as it made contact, the detector let out three piercing screeches in that wonderfully ill tone only a smoke detector can make. Needless to say, I was not expecting that, so it scared the shit out of me and my ears rang the rest of the evening. So, thanks to whoever made that brilliant decision!



Friday, March 09, 2007

Nazis March on Columbia

Columbia Daily Tribune article: Aryan agenda includes creating white nation

Tomorrow, the "National Socialist Movement" is marching in my town to promote an "all-white America" and their "white people political party." Not kidding.

From the article:
"America was a white country and these other people don’t belong here," Schoeb said. "When you force cultures together, it’s very difficult for them to get along."
Prior to us, there were the "redskin" NATIVE Americans. Yeah, that sounds like a "white country" to me. Seriously, how many people in this country are really all-white? Many people of some sort of "non-white" ancestry.

I could go on, but is it worth it? I find it hard (and sad) to think that there are so many people in this country that still cling to the belief that skin pigment makes someone inferior.

The article indicates a likelyhood there will be more counterprotesters than actual protesters (the Nazis are marching to protest something about Marxism at MU). I just hope that, because the marchers' prime objective is likely to be to rile violence out of the counterprotesters, that those countering them can resist that urge, sit back with their signs, and laugh in pity at those who hold on to such hateful ideals. Just like how you shouldn't react to terrorists out of terror, you shouldn't react to hatemongers out of hate; show pity, show that they are the fools.




I am tired. I have never been this busy at work before...consistent 60 hour weeks, and I am still falling behind. I know, there are people busier for more of the year than I, but I try to keep it in check and not become a workaholic. All in all, I have far too much going on. I honestly feel quite low, but there isn't time for it, which makes me feel worse because I am wasting time feeling low (and trying to get it out of my head through this writing).

Life is weird; mine is weird, complicated. You know, I often feel like my life really is droll and something no one would want to hear about...I'm a frickin' accountant and a geek. What is interesting about that? I feel like nothing every happens, but I am still overwhelmed. That's probably because I don't talk enough...I don't release the shit welling inside.

Have you ever known one of those people for whom every molehill is a mountain? Everything is worse for them, every time. When you have a bad day, their's was worse. It is as though everything is a challenge to see who has the worst life. I don't like playing that game, but that means I never get to feel like someone cares that I am having a rough time. I feel low, but they feel lower.

I feel a bit better, hopefully I can refocus now.

