Tuesday, September 26, 2006

More Hot Gas....

Alright, I feel as though I need to say a little more on the gas prices thing I discussed in my last post. I've seen a number of stories lately attempting to blame/praise the current administration for gas prices, as though Bush makes a call to the oil companies each morning to tell them what the price should be today. While that isn't entirely impossible, I don't think it is likely. I do think they can be LINKED, and here is how:

The administration may not control the prices, but the oil companies do. As previously stated, there are indications of intentional manipulation. Also quite obvious is the fact that gas and oil are closely linked with Republicans, especially the current administration, and more importantly to them in the next couple months, to the incumbents. As Republicans are Big Oil's greatest allies and the general public seems to see dropping prices as a positive reflection of the success of Republican incumbents, Big Oil sees a drop in prices (and thus a possible drop in profits) as a fine indirect method of campaigning for right-wing candidates. What better way to make a campaign contribution when corporations are limited as to how much cash they give a candidate...sacrifice some profits to make them "look good."

I think more legal loopholes are found in the heat of the election cycle than any other time of the year...



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