Thursday, January 20, 2005

Real Beer

One of my interests is beer; real beer. I have always considered mass-produced products such as Bud Light to be utter swill. In fact, they often give me a headache due to their low-end ingredients after one bottle.

I hadn't thought much about this recently. That changed last night, when, just as I was getting home, I heard a story on NPR about the ongoing advertising battle between Anheuser-Busch and Miller. AB was claiming that Miller had been using 'unscientific surveys' in its ads stating that Miller Light had more flavor than Bud Light. Let's get one thing straight: neither one has ANY flavor. Period. End of story.

I'll try and put it in perspective. For this, I'll use another brew produced in large quantities: Sam Adams. While this certainly isn't the best stuff around, it is great for a national brew. If you were to take a bottle of Sam Adams and pour some into a glass, filling the glass approx 1/4 of the way, and then fill the rest with tap water, you would get a 'flavor' equivalent to that of the light beers previously mentioned.

I must apologize if I offend anyone who enjoys what I consider to be swill. To be honest, I feel like those beers are nothing more than a relatively cheap means for alcoholics to maintain a good buzz. In my opinion, their constant bickering over who has more flavor is silly, but also somewhat of an insult to real beers that actually do have flavor (and their's quite an array; go explore).

I feel better now that that is off my chest...

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