Friday, January 21, 2005

Matt Blunt is a little behind

Really, he is. He is governor now, right? Well, now that he is governor, he is making suggestions for voting improvements. If I'm not mistaken, that was his job as Secretary of State. Why didn't he do it then? Check out his suggestion.

Basically, he wants some changes to absentee ballots. He wants them available to any state citizen (which actually makes some sense). Previously, you could only cast an absentee ballot with an excuse (i.e.: out of the state on voting day). While this would make voting a bit easier for the citizens, it appears that he hasn't fully researched the cost of reasonableness of implementing such a process.

The part that is most fishy, however, is that he would like to remove the notary requirement from absentee ballots. Having an absentee ballot notarized is the only way to make sure the person casting the ballot is really the individual they claim to be. This would allow Bob, who knows John does not vote, to cast an absentee ballot in John's name and still vote in his own name, essentially voting twice. That sounds like a great fix!

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