Thursday, January 06, 2005

Electoral Objection

Wow, we made some history today, though I'm not sure how many people will really notice. Democratic representatives and senators submitted written objection to the acceptance of the Ohio electors, forcing a 2-hour debate/discussion in each chamber (the Senate actually ended after only about 45 minutes with a 74-1 vote to brush aside the objection). I was proud to have a chance to listen in to some of the discussion.

The point of it all was to bring to the forefront concerns about the 2004 election and the fairness of our election process as a whole. It was to force a debate on the topic so that further (and more effective) election reforms will be in the front of all minds. Only time will tell if this was a success.

The sad part was listening to the comments from those opposing the objection. Rather than bringing forth any hard, objective data to state that the objectors' allegations were false or unfounded, those opposing the objection simply called the Democrats undemocratic and stated that this petition to debate the topic was basically a crime against democracy. It's a sad day when those who state that trying to discuss and improve the flaws in our system, the core of democracy, is undemocratic (DeLay) and receive majority of applause.

Hopefully, this will start a successful journey to assure us that the validity of future elections won't need to be questioned. For a good discussion on the aftermath of this debate and its importance, click here.

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