Friday, January 05, 2007

Double Standards and Dog Crap

Ok, so I had some sort of rant in my head, but cannot seem to remember what it was about...anyway...

I decided this morning to take my dog for an actual walk around the block instead of just out to the grass (she's a small dog, so she doesn't need as much exercise - chasing a squeaky toy up and down the hallway a couple times is enough to wear her out). Anyway, we're trucking along, about halfway around the block, when she stops, right in the middle of the road, and drops a deuce. My dog certainly does not discriminate when it comes to where she poops.

I think I've remembered one of the's something that my wife has pointed out a number of times in the past, but has really been standing out to me recently. Have you ever paid attention to the double standard for genders on TV and film? It is rare (and usually a supporting character) if women are not slim and pretty. Men, however, can be anything and are, more often that I like, rather ugly. The Axe commercials are especially bad, depicting gorgeous women as unable to resist the lure of Axe on a hideous man. Have you ever seen the sitcom "Jim"? That's another one with average, overweight men married to slim, attractive (and younger?) women. When will the average, overweight woman be on TV, happily married to some guy that looks like a Desperate Housewives gardener?

Ha! Now, every time you watch TV, it's going to bother you too!


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