Are people really swayed by those? They ALWAYS take things out of context, leaving out pertinant information about the other candidate, therefore unfairly representing their position on an issue and misleading potential voters. I heard a GOP-funded ad yesterday, and I pity the person who takes it at face value. Using a few more words than I, it said McCaskill will take away your guns and kill your babies, vote Talent. Another takes a factual mistake made by one of her campaign employees and represents it as McCaskill having a chronic lying problem, saying "typical McCaskill."
I am really ashamed that we are so set on attacking one another. When did the definition of "fair and balanced" become so skewed?
Wow, that was a tangent...back to CDs and radio: I recently purchased Live's new album, Songs From Black Mountain. I've always been a big fan, so I had to get it, despite the fact that their albums have felt a little less than 'their best' lately. It's a good album; mostly the same familiar musical formula, but far more laid-back, mellow, and mature than previous releases. It is an enjoyable album worth giving a listen. Read about it at, or buy it at Amazon
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