Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Alito Upholds MO Stay of Execution

Alito Opposes Mo. Execution

Overall, I've been opposed to Alito. From what I know of his record, he has proven to be a conservative activist moreso than a rational interpreter of the law. However, I will give him credit for breaking party lines on this one and supporting the stay of execution. Of course, it doesn't mean he opposes the execution, just that he supports the grounds for this stay. Nonetheless, he gets a point.

That brings up a more sad topic, though. That topic is the fact that the votes of our Supreme Court judges can (usually) be predicted based on party lines. That is not what the SC is meant for; how does that provide a check or balance? I don't care what side of the tracks you are from, the judges of our highest court are not supposed to make decisions based on their religious beliefs or the generalizations of their party. They are supposed to make those judgements based on the laws of our country and the nearly extinct rational thought that made our country what it is today.

I am extremely liberal. However, if I were president, my nominee would be much like Sandra Day O'Conner. I would nominate someone because they would apply rational thought to every decision and make their judgements and rulings based on how it applies within the constrains of our Constitution as a living document to our current society and best benefits the rights of ALL American citizens. I would not nominate someone just because they will oppose conservative views at every turn.

With the way we're going right now, the conservative & religious (ie: Christian) groups will be happy with what they get out of THEIR Supreme Court. However, they get that at the risk of taking away much from the other half of the country. I know it feels good to win every time, but if you stop and think about it, that means someone else is losing every time. Buck up and learn to compromise; that's far more patriotic because it will benefit our country in the long run.

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