As you may or may not have noticed, the minimum payments on credit cards are being increased this year. It's due to government crack-downs and an attempt to help consumers get out of credit card debt faster. Honestly, it's a good thing. It forces me to pay more on the principal balance of my card than I may have in the first place. Hopefully, this will help our nation reduce our nagging credit card debts since we'll be paying more than just the finance charges. The problem it has caused me is that the extra money I was putting toward the higher rate card is now used to meet the minimum on the lower rate card, causing me to be charge more interest than I would have under my payment plan.
My cards have always haunted me. I don't have a horrendous level of debt by any means, but it's there and it bugs me. Not to mention the fact that it seems to keep growing, though very slowly. The problem is these damn holidays; everything's good until they come around. You would think I would learn to be prepared. Now that minimums are increasing, I'm taking another look at that haunting debt and trying to think of ways to make it go away faster. Since my employer doesn't want to give me a reasonable raise, I am left to find ways to get a small supplement from the internet.
The best way to do this without getting sucked into some kind of scam? Why, sell-out, of course! My sell-out is to Google and Amazon, as you can see with the adds on the right. I thought I would be smart for the holidays and order my gifts at Amazon through the link on my page. However, I now have reason to believe that they were smarter than me and will reduce my earnings by the affiliate fee I earned off my own orders. Cunning! So, what is my response? I invite anyone that wants to place an order through Amazon to use my links. When you do so, send me an email telling me you have used my link and let me know on what page you have a link. The next time I make an order through Amazon, I will use your link.
I've also looked into paid surveys and the like, but they all want you to give them $30-$100 to use their database (scam alert!) or pay $1-$2 per 15-30 minute survey, which really isn't worth the effort when your available time is next to nothing. If anyone out there has suggestions or ideas (legitimate suggestions or ideas; no scam spam!), leave me a comment.
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