Friday, August 12, 2005

It's Vacation Time, Baby; Vacation!

I would like to take a minute to say a couple of things to "President" Bush (who, I am sure, checks my blog daily looking for new entries, because I am, after all, an American Citizen who deserves my leader's attention, right?):

I am quite confused (not to mention bothered, infuriated, etc.) by the things going on right now. At this moment, the one most prominent on my mind is vacation. You see, a lot has been said lately about your current 5-week vacation, Mr. Bush. I believe that, before the current leave, the report was that you had taken off about a year for vacation out of the last four. If we were to add on to that the time spent away from work to campaign to keep the job for a few more years, you've been away for awhile. Not to mention the fact that you are on vacation while thousands of Americans are fighting and dying in a war. I have a couple of points of view on this subject I would like to share.

#1: You have taken a lot of vacation time from your duties as President. The duty of the President is to answer to the American Citizens, to work in out interest. In the work place known by the rest of us, our duty is to answer to our boss, to work in the interest of our boss and their company. You see, Mr. President, you work for us. As made clear by the polls, we disapprove of you and frankly, are quite bothered by the amount of time you spend away from work. Therefore, we no longer have a need for your services, as we can find a much more qualified person to fill your shoes. Yes, Mr. Bush, you are being fired. If HR (the Senate) does not complete the firing process, they too will be fired.

Since it's not that easy, here's the other point of view.

#2: President Bush, you have taken quite a bit of vacation time during your time in office. I have been told that you have taken the equivalent of one year's vacation over the last four years. Mr. President, I just want you to know that I am in support of your decision to take so much time for yourself. However, I feel that you are being a bit of a hypocrite. To resolve this, I ask you to do one favor for me. Please, push our government to pass a law giving us, no, guaranteeing us, the ability to take vacation for the equivalent of three months out of the year. You see, sir, here in the working world, we are working 50 or more hours per week. On top of that, the compassionate conservative individuals leading our companies tell us that we are not working enough hours. We do get vacation, but it ranges from 2 to 4 weeks out of the year and can only be taken within small windows or else it is lost forever. Therefore, one of two things must happen. Either we are guaranteed time off as taken by our President, or our President starts working like the people he represents. It's your decision (since you don't want to let us decide how things work).

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