Thursday, November 08, 2007

Delving further into M:tG

I have decided to try my hand at delving a little further into the world of Magic: the Gathering by going to a few more tournaments. While I have not done all that well (41st of 73 at States and 6th of 10 at first City Champs), but I have learned from my experiences. Unfortunately, I am a little short on funds and cannot go play in a draft tonight, but will play some sealed next week. This has turned out to be quite a challenge, which is something my mind loves. Also, trying to come up with new, interesting, powerful, or unique decks is the closest thing to a creative outlet I can get my mind to embrace (I am not by nature a creative or artistic person; I am an accountant).

I can't imagine I will ever be good enough to make a living, let alone play on the Pro Tour. However, I have fun playing, and with enough improvement, could potentially get enough rewards to help the hobby pay for itself.

Wish me luck!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....