Friday, January 06, 2006


Recently, thanks to the Google ads you see to the right and my own curiousity, I stumbled across a website by A World Ahead Publishing for their "Help!Mom!" book series. The particular book being advertised was Help! Mom! There are LIBERALS Under My Bed! The premise of this children's book for conservative parents is that there are two children who want to start a lemonade stand so they can earn enough money to buy a swing set. However, they encounter obstacles when liberal figureheads in their town try to "tax and regulate their dream away." Honestly, WTF?!?!?! Is their method for winning future elections to brainwash children? Seriously, what are they teaching? Taxes provide us with necessary public resources and regulations help prevent the corrupt from taking everything from us (though they still get away with too much...probably because of books like this teaching 'regulation bad, corruption good').

In response, I would like to offer a book idea: Help! Mom! Bush Jr. Sent My Big Brother Away to be Killed in Iraq to Avenge Bush Sr.! Perhaps this one would be better: Help! Mom! All My Lemonade Money is Going to Oil Company Profits and Rich Republican Tax Breaks!

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