I gave Walmart a fleeting chance this weekend. No, there was no chance the super-chain would get on my good side; going there was more a matter of situation. You see, the wife wanted to hit some softballs, and we only have two...one of which is a dead ball. We often go to the park, where I pitch to her, and she has all the room in the world to smack them around. We didn't have a lot of time until sundown, so I chose to run to Walmart because of its proximity to my home in relation to other retailers.
I found a reasonable parking space amongst the vast sea of SUVs and jalopies and speed-walked my way in to the store and back to the sporting goods department. There, I found an aisle of bicycling goods, and aisle of exercise stuff, and an aisle of traditional sporting goods (basketballs, footballs). "This should be the place," I thought. I looked through the aisle, finding only basketball and football items, and one of those loose ball bins with only one small basketball and a couple footballs. OK, this isn't the end of the sporting goods, maybe softballs are another aisle or two down...right? I continued to the remaining aisles to find guns, ammo, fishing, and camping supplies. I shuddered at the thought that guns and ammo were more well represented than even football in this store. After re-looking a couple times to be sure I hadn't overlooked a small bin of softballs, I approached the 400 lb camo-clad salesman at the gun counter to ask. He nicely informed me that softballs were available only in spring and summer. I thought to myself, "who is Walmart to say when I can and cannot play softball?" I thanked the gentleman and scurried my way back to my car.
I am amazed they couldn't simply give the equivalent of one basketball worth of space up to a bin of softballs to keep them out year-round. There was plenty of golf stuff, and I play softball later in the fall than I play golf. Blah. Moral of the story? Walmart is the softball Nazi.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Friday, November 17, 2006
Now We're Just Getting Silly
Honestly? $89 million for a PS3? The funny thing is, I happened across this one when it was at $99,999,999, and then the seller started deleting bids because they didn't meet the minimum bidding requirements and seemed to be bogus. Funnier yet is that they did, in fact, meet the seller's minimum requirements, having 10+ feedback and 98% or so positive ratings. These bids have to be fake, but why would successful, positive eBayers put in fake bids? (One had over 2,000 feedback) I bet the seller's heart skipped a beat, thinking, "Oh my fucking god, I am rich, bitch!" Then, they come to reality, realized this cannot be real (I even question the $35,000 bids).
I also question eBay's rules for PS3 sellers...you must have 50+ feedback, etc. I know they are trying to protect people from bogus auctions, but it seems they are unfairly excluding legit sellers who usually sell off things they no longer need around their house and have only 10 positive feedback, in favor of the eBay scalpers that seem to make a living on opportunities like this...it's kinda like Bush tax policy...
I also question eBay's rules for PS3 sellers...you must have 50+ feedback, etc. I know they are trying to protect people from bogus auctions, but it seems they are unfairly excluding legit sellers who usually sell off things they no longer need around their house and have only 10 positive feedback, in favor of the eBay scalpers that seem to make a living on opportunities like this...it's kinda like Bush tax policy...
Thursday, November 16, 2006
So, the long-anticipated release of the PS3 is tomorrow morning. Throughout this nation, there are thousands of anxious....entrepreneurs....lined up, camping out to buy one. Yes, I said entrepreneurs, not gamers. That's right, kids, hardly a one gamer has the chance at a new PS3 for its actual retail price. It seems that 90% of those buying them are going to turn around and sell them on eBay. Why is it that no one wants it bad enough to stand in line for two days, but they'll go on eBay and pay $10 grand, plus, to get a $700 machine?
Check out this listing.
It's bloody insane; I could pay off my credit cards by buying and reselling one of these. However, it would be hard for me to give it up if I managed to actually get my hands on one. But, then again, if I simply have the willpower to wait a little longer to play it, I can buy one later and still have money left over. Anyway, happy gaming; hope the 10 g's is worth it...
UPDATE: After my original posting above, I refreshed the eBay listing and the $10,000 changed to $5,700...not sure what happened, but I guarantee my screen said $10,000. $5,700 is still exorbitant.
UPDATE2: It was a "bogus bid"...so good luck to anyone trying to bid on one of these with 0 feedback, they might consider you a "bogus bid"!
Check out this listing.
It's bloody insane; I could pay off my credit cards by buying and reselling one of these. However, it would be hard for me to give it up if I managed to actually get my hands on one. But, then again, if I simply have the willpower to wait a little longer to play it, I can buy one later and still have money left over. Anyway, happy gaming; hope the 10 g's is worth it...
UPDATE: After my original posting above, I refreshed the eBay listing and the $10,000 changed to $5,700...not sure what happened, but I guarantee my screen said $10,000. $5,700 is still exorbitant.
UPDATE2: It was a "bogus bid"...so good luck to anyone trying to bid on one of these with 0 feedback, they might consider you a "bogus bid"!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
In the news...KFC & Bobby Knight

In other news...why is Bobby Knight still allowed to coach? Really, I don't give a shit how "good" a coach is or how many wins they have, actions such as his should not be tolerated. Assaulting players is under no circumstances an acceptable behavior. It seems to me that coaches in general are very angry people; nothing is ever good enough for them. That was something I seriously hated when playing basketball in high school...the constant yelling, demeaning, banging on things, stomping (you've never heard loafers stomp so frickin' loud), and throwing things. I don't care if it is your job or whatever, no matter which way you twist it, it will always just be a game. Games are for fun, and people always play better relaxed and comfortable than tense and fearful.
Peace...and safe gaming,
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
More Praise to the Wife
I have to take a moment to thank my wife once again for the magnificent gift. How many dorky guys like myself have a wife who will bring home something like FFXII???!?! I do (and she's mine, betches!)!!! She really wanted to get Mortal Kombat because it supports multiple players, so she could play as well (also cool!), but chose Final Fantasy because I wanted it so damn bad. Maybe I'll have to get her Mortal Kombat, or whatever game she wants...after I've gotten in some time and am willing to share the PS2 once again (I'm awful...).
I got some more play time in last night. I am *only* about 7 hours in to the game, still working through a few in-game tutorials (gambits was the latest one), but at this point I cannot explain how frickin' cool this game is.
Though I really, really want to, I doubt I will be playing much, if at all tonight. It's Election Day: the one time per year when politics becomes most like a sport, watching the results roll in to see what "team" will win. I am happy to report that every single one of my readers has reported they got out to vote [sadly I am the only person that looks at my blog - I voted, so turnout for Aimless Reality is 100%!]. I am also stoked to watch the Daily Show/Colbert Report live 1-hour report...should be some good stuff!
I got some more play time in last night. I am *only* about 7 hours in to the game, still working through a few in-game tutorials (gambits was the latest one), but at this point I cannot explain how frickin' cool this game is.
Though I really, really want to, I doubt I will be playing much, if at all tonight. It's Election Day: the one time per year when politics becomes most like a sport, watching the results roll in to see what "team" will win. I am happy to report that every single one of my readers has reported they got out to vote [sadly I am the only person that looks at my blog - I voted, so turnout for Aimless Reality is 100%!]. I am also stoked to watch the Daily Show/Colbert Report live 1-hour report...should be some good stuff!
Monday, November 06, 2006
I Loves Me Some Good Music
I've been enjoying a bit of good music lately. I bought some new CDs...got B.B. King & Friends and Beck - The Information. Both are very good albums. Oh, I also got The John Popper Project for the wife, also a very good (and very interesting) album.
I also went to a couple of concerts during the last week. B.B. King came to town, so I went to see that show and am very happy I did. He is an excellent performer, and also a fantastic story teller. Even if you are not a fan of the blues, if you appreciate good music and ever have the opportunity to see B.B. King in concert, do so...it is an experience you will not regret.
I also got to see Ben Folds. I think this was my third or fourth time...it's always a good show. I truly enjoy his music, and enjoy his performances even more. He had recently purchased a little red synthesizer and was having quite a bit of fun with it. "Hold on, I have to do some scientific shit that's over your head. This thing...wait, let me tell you,...[looks closely at synth, apparently counting something]...this thing has 25, 26 knobs on it...it cost roughly $2600, and it has 26 knobs, so I guess it's about $100 a knob".
On a final note, I recenly received Final Fantasy XII for my PS2 as a gift from my WONDERFUL wife. All I want to do right now is play it, the game is great, the storyline is fun, the graphics are quite good for the PS2, and the gameplay is even better than FFX was. If you are a fan of roleplaying/adventure/action games, this is a must-have!
I also went to a couple of concerts during the last week. B.B. King came to town, so I went to see that show and am very happy I did. He is an excellent performer, and also a fantastic story teller. Even if you are not a fan of the blues, if you appreciate good music and ever have the opportunity to see B.B. King in concert, do so...it is an experience you will not regret.
I also got to see Ben Folds. I think this was my third or fourth time...it's always a good show. I truly enjoy his music, and enjoy his performances even more. He had recently purchased a little red synthesizer and was having quite a bit of fun with it. "Hold on, I have to do some scientific shit that's over your head. This thing...wait, let me tell you,...[looks closely at synth, apparently counting something]...this thing has 25, 26 knobs on it...it cost roughly $2600, and it has 26 knobs, so I guess it's about $100 a knob".
On a final note, I recenly received Final Fantasy XII for my PS2 as a gift from my WONDERFUL wife. All I want to do right now is play it, the game is great, the storyline is fun, the graphics are quite good for the PS2, and the gameplay is even better than FFX was. If you are a fan of roleplaying/adventure/action games, this is a must-have!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
I do not consider myself a 'control freak'. I am usually quite laid-back and often allow others to run the show. I am also usually incredibly patient. Therefore, I find it interesting how stressed and anxious I can become over certain things that are just beyond my control and require waiting. I am feeling particularly bad today because two such items that I feel to be significant have arisen.
I cannot explain how frustrated I have been with my health insurance...my company changed insurance at the beginning of this year to save us money on our premiums, which initially meant my deductible was going up; but this also meant my frustration would as well. From delays to denied claims because of their errors, it has been one thing after another. The latest is a situation in which my employer deposits some money to pay a portion of my deductible, for which I have filed a claim for reimbursement since I have paid the entire deductible myself. I received a denial letter because I am "not enrolled," so now I must wait for someone else to get this cleared up...
The second thing is a series of comments written and some body language that cause me extra concern for someone "in need of forgiveness." However, due to schedules, I must wait...
On another note about frustrations (is when I need to vent the only time I feel compelled to write??): I recently received notice from my auto insurance that subrogation for my accident exactly one year ago has finally been finalized through arbitration. The result: 50% paid by each company, thus I got a check for 50% of my deductible back. I really feel I should have received it all, but just about everything in the situation was working against me...you would think it to be a simple open and shut case when a person pulls out in front of another who has right-of-way and they collide, but I guess the fact that she was more attractive than me and had friends in tow, whereas I was alone, meant that all of the blame could not be hers. Oh well, what's done is done...I can close that chapter and consider it lesson learned.
On a happier note: the Cardinals won the fucking World Series, bitches!!! I went to a game, and it was one of the best things I have done in my life! Woohoo!
I cannot explain how frustrated I have been with my health insurance...my company changed insurance at the beginning of this year to save us money on our premiums, which initially meant my deductible was going up; but this also meant my frustration would as well. From delays to denied claims because of their errors, it has been one thing after another. The latest is a situation in which my employer deposits some money to pay a portion of my deductible, for which I have filed a claim for reimbursement since I have paid the entire deductible myself. I received a denial letter because I am "not enrolled," so now I must wait for someone else to get this cleared up...
The second thing is a series of comments written and some body language that cause me extra concern for someone "in need of forgiveness." However, due to schedules, I must wait...
On another note about frustrations (is when I need to vent the only time I feel compelled to write??): I recently received notice from my auto insurance that subrogation for my accident exactly one year ago has finally been finalized through arbitration. The result: 50% paid by each company, thus I got a check for 50% of my deductible back. I really feel I should have received it all, but just about everything in the situation was working against me...you would think it to be a simple open and shut case when a person pulls out in front of another who has right-of-way and they collide, but I guess the fact that she was more attractive than me and had friends in tow, whereas I was alone, meant that all of the blame could not be hers. Oh well, what's done is done...I can close that chapter and consider it lesson learned.
On a happier note: the Cardinals won the fucking World Series, bitches!!! I went to a game, and it was one of the best things I have done in my life! Woohoo!
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